学院系统是整个学年校际竞争和合作的平台. At Holy Spirit Prep, 学生们被安置在一个他们将在余生中称为自己的房子里. 宿舍制度也为我们的学生会提供了脚手架, with 34 total leadership positions available to high school students. Friendly competitions occur regularly throughout the year, 因为所有四个学院都在争夺分数,最终目标是在学年结束时被加冕为“获胜学院”.
- 头的男孩: 戴维斯布劳恩
- 头的女孩: 亚莉克希亚·莱利
- House of Nicaea President: Melany Menay
- House of Lyons President: Lilah出售
- House of Trent President: 何塞Villazon
- House of Chalcedon President: 贝琪Trenado-Bautista
“我很荣幸被选为男生学生会主席. I have attended HSP since 6th grade, 我选择竞选这个职位是因为我觉得担任这个角色可以让我成长为一个领导者. 当选后,我希望能尽我所能为学校社区服务. 我将努力成为同学们的好榜样,与学生领导一起努力,体现信仰的美德, 谨慎, 这些都是HSP的老师和老师多年来灌输给我的.”
“我很高兴也很荣幸能担任圣灵预备学校2024届的女校长! 我从学前班开始就读HSP,一直渴望成为女校长. 的良性, nurturing environment that HSP fosters has allowed me to grow socially, 在学业上, 和精神上, 并为我提供了获得宝贵领导技能的机会. 作为女校长, it will be my privilege to lead others by example, helping them succeed socially, 在学业上, and 最重要的是, 在精神上-活出我们学校的校训:“事奉即非事奉”.“HSP今年有幸成立了一个专门的学生领导委员会, 我们将共同努力,确保众议院制度以热情和卓越的方式运行!”
President — House of Lyons
“我非常荣幸能作为今年里昂议院的主席为我们十大玩彩信誉平台! I have attended Holy Spirit since eighth grade, 我一直很喜欢宿舍制度,以及它如何在高中培养快乐和建立社区. 今年,我很高兴能与其他院院长和里昂领导委员会一起工作,带来兴奋, 社区, and healthy competition to everyone at the Upper School! 我非常感谢这次机会,希望能让大家难忘!”
Melany Menay
President — House of Nicaea
“I am honored to be Nicaea's President for the 2023-2024 school year! I entered Holy Spirit Prep in seventh grade, and every year I have loved being part of such a welcoming 社区. 宿舍制度为我提供了一种与年级以外的学生交往的方式,让我更好地理解了领导力. 这个机会帮助我更多地了解上帝对我和我周围的人的计划. 我很高兴能让这一年成为大家难忘的一年,并将公司精神发扬光大!”
President — House of Chalcedon
“我很高兴有机会在2023-2024学年担任加尔西顿校长! I have been a part of the Holy Spirit Prep family since 7th grade. I am most looking forward to the service project this year, and I can't wait for every Chalcedon member to be a part of it. 我也非常兴奋能与其他领导层一起工作,并在今年与我的众议院一起留下新的回忆. 我将珍惜这一新的领导技能,并自豪地将其用于未来. I thank God and the HSP 社区 for this great opportunity!”
President — House of Trent
“I am excited to be the President of the House of Trent this year! 我从学前班就加入了圣灵教会,五年级时成为了特伦特之家的一员. The role of House President means being a good leader for my House, 尽一切可能让特伦特队处于赢得豪斯杯的最佳位置, and keeping morale high. With this year's leadership team, I am confident we will be able to win many House competitions and, 最重要的是, 学院奖杯. I look forward to making this an excellent year, 我非常感激能有机会成为特伦特的校长!”
俱乐部 & 罗马教皇的职位
Our many clubs and apostolates meet before, 在, or after the school day, depending on the club members and sponsor. Some groups also go on field trips or do other types of weekend work (e.g. serving at a soup kitchen on Saturday mornings).
较低的学校 俱乐部
Boys Club (Grades 1-6)
男孩俱乐部的目标是教导男孩以身作则的重要性. 在俱乐部里, 每个年龄组在学习相互支持的过程中都扮演着特定的角色:六年级到八年级的男孩被训练成一年级到五年级男孩的导师和美德榜样, 而中学男生则帮助低年级男生准备演讲和组织游戏. The boys will also be given opportunities to serve communities in need. 电子邮件 Father Andrew at agronotte@nhogame.com for more information.
Girls i信仰 (Grades 1-5)
Gymnastics (Grades K-5)
专业教练在高低杠上教授体操的基本技巧, 地板上, 库, 平衡木. 请访问 www.airbornegymnasticsclubusa.com for more information.
Playball (Grades K-5)
学生在一个非竞争的环境中学习新的运动和活动,并得到善良和耐心的指导. Games and skills practiced include: basketball, 棒球, 足球, 网球, 高尔夫球, 曲棍球, 飞盘, 扔, 捕捉, 控球, 平衡, 灵活性, 运行, 跳, 和更多的. *Inclusive modifications are always available. Please contact us prior to your child’s first lesson at http://atlantaplayball.com/schools.
Robotics (Grades 3-5)
Stemtree Robotics帮助学生应用他们的基础科学知识和技能, model construction, computer programming, and problem solving to explore engineering and robotics. Program costs are as indicated and inclusive of student material: (e.g., laptops, tablets, robotics kits, etc.)学生进度夹,软件,USB驱动器和学生评估. Stemtree will provide all supplies that are needed to conduct sessions. 访问 www.stemtree.com/buckhead for more information or call 678-819-2386.
西班牙语 (Grades 1-5)
Brilliant双语的西班牙语强化课程包括每周动手浸入式西班牙语. The program uses a 21st century learning approach, which includes virtual reality field trips to Latin America, online learning subscriptions and parent guides for home support, fluent certified world language teachers on staff, 还有更多! All learning materials included.
中学 俱乐部
Boys Club (Grades 1-8)
男孩俱乐部的目标是教导男孩以身作则的重要性. 在俱乐部里, 每个年龄组在学习相互支持的过程中都扮演着特定的角色:六年级到八年级的男孩被训练成一年级到五年级男孩的导师和美德榜样, 而中学男生则帮助低年级男生准备演讲和组织游戏. The boys will also be given opportunities to serve communities in need. 电子邮件 Father Andrew at agronotte@nhogame.com for more information.
Girls ECYD Challenge (Grades 6-8)
ECYD挑战是一个俱乐部,为六至八年级的信仰女孩走到一起,更好地了解和爱基督-和彼此, as they share Christ’s love through service projects.
Robotics (Grades 6-8)
Stemtree Robotics帮助学生应用他们的基础科学知识和技能, model construction, computer programming, and problem solving to explore engineering and robotics. Program costs are as indicated and inclusive of student material: (e.g., laptops, tablets, robotics kits, etc.)学生进度夹,软件,USB驱动器和学生评估. Stemtree will provide all supplies that are needed to conduct sessions. 访问 www.stemtree.com/buckhead for more information or call 678-819-2386
西班牙语 (Grades 6-8)
Brilliant双语的西班牙语强化课程包括每周动手浸入式西班牙语. The program uses a 21st century learning approach, which includes virtual reality field trips to Latin America, online learning subscriptions and parent guides for home support, fluent certified world language teachers on staff, 还有更多! All learning materials included.
A girls’ sorority dedicated to acts of service. Projects include: visiting soup kitchens, 运行 a blood drive, and raising money for non-profit organizations.
A club that meets regularly to engage in the timeless battle of chess. Members also compete in a variety of tournaments throughout the year.
A boys’ fraternity dedicated to anonymous acts of service on campus.
Future Business Leaders of America
A group focusing on the financial markets, 包括纸质交易账户,学生们可以在其中相互竞争以获得经济回报.
National Art Honor Society
National Honor Society
A nationwide invite-only organization for high school students. 选拔基于四个标准:奖学金、领导能力、服务和性格.
A club celebrating the 西班牙语 language, culture, and cuisine.
Charism: Bury the dead, respect life
- 支持s the pro-life cause in various ways such as monthly rosaries, 反堕胎的争论, participation in the Atlanta Right to Life speech contest, and a trip to the annual Washington, D.C. 为生命游行
St. 约瑟的队列
Charism: Shelter the homeless
- Throughout the school year, 学生将在亚特兰大地区从事房屋维修和建筑工作,帮助贫困人口, 并将有机会在格鲁吉亚为期一周的夏季旅行中继续这项工作.
St. 文森特·德·保罗
Charism: Clothe the naked, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty
- Focuses on the neediest of Atlanta – the hungry and homeless. 该组织为贫困家庭收集衣物,并与亚特兰大食品银行合作,参观汤厨房和无家可归者收容所.